
Static Hosting Free Tier

Static Hosting Free Tier

This data table is a summary of the current static hosting free tiers. I intend to continuously update it with the latest changes and to add any missing piece of data as soon as possible. 

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NameDescriptionProsLimitationsExceedingCredit card requiredResourcesPlanBuild MinutesConcurrent BuildBandwidthStorageSource ProviderNumber of SitesNext Pricing Step (Monthly)
Netlify     No credit card requirements (?)GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, CLIUnlimited19$, Pro, 3 concurrent builds, 1K build minutes
Vercel     No credit card requirements every 10 minutes100gbUnlimited (?)GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket and CLIUnlimited20$, Pro plan
CloudFlare Pages     No credit card requirements ?Unlimited20$, 5 concurrent builds, 5K Build minutes
DigitalOcean App Platform     Yes, a credit card is required., GitLab35$, 400 build minutes, 40gb outbound transfer
Render    No credit card requirements SitesUnlimitedUnlimited100 GBUnlimitedGitHub, GitLabUnlimited100 GB/month bandwidth included at no cost. Additional bandwidth just $0.10/GB per month.
Surge    No credit card requirements, CI/CD1Surge Professional at 30$ with unlimited projects
Layer0    No credit card requirements Bandwidthunlimited?Github, CLI1 custom domain3 Custom Domain, 250GB Bandwidth, 5 Environments, 31 Edge Locations, 99.95% Uptime SLA, Real-Time RUM Analytics
AWS Amplify Hosting    Yes, a credit card is required. Tier limited to 1 year1000?15GB5GB??Pay as you go: Build & Deploy $0.01 per build minute, Hosting $0.023 per GB stored /month, $0.15 per GB served
Firebase Hosting     Yes, a credit card is required. PlanNoneNone360 MB/day / ~10GB/month10GBCLI, CI/CDLimited ~10$0.026/GB storage, $0.15/GB outbound transfer
GitHub Pages     No credit card requirements (via GitHub Actions)20 (GitHub Actions limit) (10 per hour soft limit ?)100gb soft limit1gbGitHubUnlimited (for public repositories only)$4, GitHub Pro plan
GitLab Pages     No credit card requirements$, Premium, 10K build minutes

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